How long can I rent back? Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 at 2:53pm. Kurt Wannebo To Watch Video Click on "Read Full Post" How long can I rent back? by Kurt Wannebo One of the questions I've been getting quite frequently from homeowners is the question: “If I do a rent back, what is it going to cost me? And how long can I do it for?” But before we answer those two questions, let's talk about basically what is a rent back. That is where you as a home seller sells your property, but you stay and live in it for a period of time as a tenant while your buyer becomes the landlord. So let's talk about what this will cost. Well it's important to understand that 80 to 85 percent of buyers in San Diego County are mostly utilizing loans in order to buy a property. And the thought process that we try to work around is that… Read Full Post »
How can I beat the high interest rates when buying? Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 at 2:47pm. Kurt Wannebo To Watch Video Click on "Read Full Post" How can I beat the high interest rates when buying? by Kurt Wannebo I keep having the same conversation with Buyers right now who say you know what, the interest rates are too high we're not going to purchase a property. But yet here at the end of 2022 as interest rates continue to rise we're still working with Buyers who are moving forward and purchasing homes. Now why are they doing this? Are they just paying these high interest rates because they have to? No, we've actually implemented some strategies for our clients to actually beat the current interest rates. The first thing that we're leveraging and doing for our buyers is we're introducing them to local banks and lenders. Lenders… Read Full Post »
What is a bridge loan? Tuesday, December 6th, 2022 at 12:22pm. Kurt Wannebo To Watch Video Click on "Read Full Post" What is a bridge loan? by Kurt Wannebo One of the questions I've been running into more and more from homeowners today Is: “ Are there Bridge loans out there?” “What are they?” “How do they work?” And it's interesting because for some of my older demographics they're very familiar with Bridge loans. Because they used to be around in the 70s and 80s and even early 90s. But really haven't existed much in the 2000s. and so in essence I wanted to go through what a bridge loan is and some of the benefits or downsides of utilizing one. So again one of the problems that I'm seeing with sellers is they're wanting to sell their home and go out and buy a new one. But the inventory is very low here… Read Full Post »